Here are some more pictures from my 2nd week. I like opening my eyes all the way now and looking around. I like making new faces and sounds all the time. Thanks to everyone for calling and emailing to make sure we were ok during the wildfires. Luckily I slept through almost all of it.
Mommy's friend Rosie came all the way from England. She taught me how to say butter in British... Buhteh. Thank you for the Manchester Shirt!
I met Uncle Eddie and Auntie Mars. Uncle Eddie's gonna teach me how to play this little hawaiian guitar thingy when I grow up... and Auntie Mars is gonna teach me how to spell ukulele. I wow'd them with all my funny facial expressions in my sleep.
Then we went to Aunti Maricel and Uncle Joe's house for BBQ brunch to meet more family. Everyone was watching so, I decided to do what I do best- Sleep and make faces.
I hung out with everyone! Grandma, Grandma Nellie, Auntie Leah, and All my cousins Eric, Kimmy, Riley, and Ryan (minus Cousin Richmond who HATES cameras)
While everyone else was taking turns holding me, Mommy and Daddy got to take a break. What did they do on their break? I'm sooo embarrassed. I hope I didn't get either of their dancing genes.
Mommy and Daddy took me on my first walk. It was such a nice day... Blue Skies, Fresh Breezes, and really really Bright Sun. I got to test drive my stroller for the first time. It handles well and corners like it's on rails.
We walked to La Costa Park and hung out at a picnic table in the shade. It was a good place for a nap. (Every place is a good place for a nap though)
I slept almost the whole way there and back but I had lots of fun anyways. Good thing we went that day, because 2 days later the San Diego wildfires started. We've been stuck inside ever since cuz of the smokey air.