Guess who came back to see me again!!! Grandma!!!

Here we are chillin... we go way back.

This time Ni Ni brought my Ye Ye!!!

Playing with Grandpa for the first time!

He told me all about their trip to Hong Kong!

I was sad when I found out they were only here for a quick visit.

Family Photo!

We made the best of our time together.

We all went for a walk to the park.

I don't know why they call it a "walk" when all I do is sit in a stroller the whole time.

When we went out for dinner, Mommy thought it was cold, so she put me in a poofy winter Jacket. Can you say Overkill??? more like a Spacesuit! I mean, it was cold... but "california cold", not "minnesota cold". Daddy says "california cold" means wear more than just shorts and flip flops... translation to babies, I can't go out in just a diaper and onesy. At least I got to pretend I took one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind.

I sure hope Ni Ni and Ye Ye come back soon!