Here are some pics of me before I turned 5 months...

My first time in my bouncer... I needed a little boost to reach the ground, but it was fun at first site!

I got to work fast on all the little gadgets.

Catching the fly.

Awww Parrot! I didn't see you up there.

Giraffe won the staring contest, I won the drooling contest

Grandpa came for a surprise visit!

Here I am with Ni Ni and Ye Ye about to go for a stroller ride

This is my stone cold stroller face.

Here I am with Auntie Veronica

Mommy and I practice our circus act. Here I am balancing on Mommy's nose.

Learning to fly.

Heyyy Check out my nifty beanie

Layin low... watching my videos

Intensely concentrating on the video.

Here I am in the Lobby of a hotel with Mommy and Daddy waiting for Auntie Yvette who was in town!

Here I am with Tesla Jade. I'm the big baby for once! Auntie Tammy and Mommy are best friends. This is actually our 2nd picture together!

Here is the first picture back in August. I'm in my Mommy's belly and Tesla Jade was in her Mommy's lil bump belly.

All 4 of us

Something made Tesla sad...

... So I decided to be sad too.

Come on! Belly time is hard enough without Pluto on my back.

Grandma put me in the Baby Bjorn! Like a little kangaroo pouch. I just love kicking my legs and moving my arms while we walk.

This is my fisherman's outfit.

Me and Ni Ni