I've been practicing for several months on my grill. Hopefully Daddy will let me help smoke the beef and pork ribs for the 4th of July.

Nope?... well I'll have to keep practicing. Maybe next year.

I can help toast Cherrios with my spatula

Before the guests arrive, I played a little basketball with Daddy.

The Frenchies!

The Spaniards!

Auntie Jonah and Christian

Uncle Rod and Lauren

Auntie Yvette, Littles, and Michelle

Auntie Jen and Liz

Uncle Truong and Auntie Charmie chillaxing on the hammock after eating

Me and Auntie Jonah

I forgive Uncle Truong for his bad taste in teams. Who says Cal and SC fan's can't get along?

I went Swimming for the first time! Well floating at least.

I was scared at first, but then it was fun!

Uncle Rob Vu, Ate Isabella, Me and Daddy in the Pool