Today is my first day of swim class. Mommy bought me a new swimming outfit since I outgrew my other one already.
Here I am showing it off.

In the beginning... going into the pool with Daddy.

Start with a little warm up kick...

A little lap around the pool with the boogie board...

(Look at my face)... was I really concentrating that hard???

Ok- mastered that one... next?

Fun!!! Jumping in the pool!

K- Paparazi Mommy says a little snap shot of Daddy and me.

Next two pictures are of me splashing in the water. Hey, Daddy looked like he was having more fun! ha ha ha

Class over! Getting out of the pool.

Not shown and not taken... Me - crying- Waaaah!!!!.I don't want to get out of the pool yet. I did so well. Mommy and Daddy were surprised that I was not scared. I only cried when they took me out of the pool. They were so proud of me. Can't wait for next week's class. :)