Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today is my birthday!!!  10/8!!!   

Exactly 1 year ago, I looked like this...

Now here I am- 1 year later...  15 lbs heavier...  10 inches taller... a little more tan...  actually a little balder...  and ALOT wiser.

AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! I'm so excited to be ONE!!!  YIPPEEEE!!!!

Mommy got me a Winnie the Pooh Balloon!

I love it!

Kiss for Winnie the Pooh!

We celebrated by eating as much food as we could at Todai's.  This is my 3rd plate.

Mommy and Me!

Daddy and me!

mmMMMmmm I love Watermelon!

What, you've never seen a boy devour a whole watermelon?

Family picture...  I'm thinking that my belly is as big as a whale's belly after that meal.

It was MOMMY'S Birthday the next day!  Me and Daddy took the day off to celebrate with her.

I'm ready with my shades!

I gave Mommy my Winnie the Pooh Balloon today since it's her Birthday.

Happy Birthday Snuggles!

Playing with my new toys!
Sitting on my new toys!
Birthday cake for me and Mommy
Ohhhh Candles...

Look who crashed the party!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Having fun while the weather's still warm!

Summer's over, and for the rest of September I just wanted to fully enjoy the sunny warm days before it gets cold.  (cold for San Diego = not wearing just a diaper around anymore)...

Here I am trying on Mommy's sun glasses...

Enjoying a tasty refreshing snack...

And listening to some tunes...

I hang out with my cousins whenever I can... Riley, Kimmy, and Richmond.

We had to go to the beach before it got too cold... Me Mommy & Daddy went with the Spaniards and the twins

I didn't like the sand too much so I stayed with Daddy on the tatami mat.

I told Mommy that wearing a hat is important for UV protection.

Here I am enjoying the beach and ocean view with Marina

I like taking Mommy and Daddy to the park so they get some exercise.

The jungle gym is fun!

Top of the slide with Mommy!

After the twisty slide!

Me and Daddy

Climbing and crawling all over the place.

I saw my first 2 soccer matches.  Here I am cheering on my friend Christian's team.  Run to the ball Christian, not where I'm sitting!!!
 Time outs = Cherrios breaks

And I watched Danielle's high powered girls team.

Auntie Jonah taught me how to scream at the referees

After the game hanging out with Danielle and Christian

I also went to a BBQ at my friend Solana's Del Mar beach house.

Here I am with Solana and her dad Dr. Herold.

Solana and I became good buddies fast!
Love to Hug!

We vroom vroomed all over the place

AHHHHH...  Here I am discovering the joy of beanbags...

Daddy...  this is MY beanbag, don't even think about trying to sit on it...  You might Shallow Hal the bean bag and all the stuffing will fall out.