I'm turning into a morning person much to the dismay of Daddy's 9am rule.

Here I am hanging out with Grandma

I discovered that if I look into this circle, I can see a little baby doing the exact same things I do! So that's what MJ was talking about in "Man in the Mirror"

I got to meet Grandma's close friends Mr. and Mrs Jeon today. They drove all the way down from LA to see me!

My crib's cool and all, but if I really like to stretch out I sleep here... (Not pictured Mommy and Daddy crammed in my crib)

Soooo Comfy... ZZzzzzzZZzzzzz

I just discovered that Grandma is leaving in a few days

I've already signed my Cal letter of intent incoming class of 2025. Daddy warned me that I have a lifetime of football fanhood agony ahead of me.

Here's a signal the Cal Football team needs to see more... Touchdown!!!

Go Bears!

Grandma was leaving in 2 days so we hung out as much as we could

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