We have nightly story time

We played match the cards

When I felt better, I went to have dim sum with my cousin Annabelle who was here from Seattle.

I'm starting to think all babies have thick hair except me!

After Dim Sum I saw my first live ducks, after playing with stuffed animal duckies and rubber duckies all this time.

When your sick in November luckily there's plenty of Football on TV. Getting ready to watch the Cal game with DadWe played match the cards
When I felt better, I went to have dim sum with my cousin Annabelle who was here from Seattle.
I'm starting to think all babies have thick hair except me!
After Dim Sum I saw my first live ducks, after playing with stuffed animal duckies and rubber duckies all this time.
We're smiling now, but the Cal offense didn't give us much to smile about afterwards.
I like pretending to make phonecalls with anything that has buttons... like calculators
Eating my first pancake, which just so happened to be Daddy's first time making homemade pancakes.
MMMM... I love pancakes!
At first Mommy and Daddy had to make me practice walking...
Soon I did it all on my own...
My single chicken wing...
Laughing at lil bear...
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