Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More pics and videos...

Core workout with Daddy!

Exercise video with Torrey!

Coloring at home

Eating my chicken drumstick

My first hair cut (if you can call it that).
Mommy wanted Daddy to cut my hair in the back since it was getting too long and starting to bother me. Dadddy didn't really want to- he wanted me to grow a mullet. Mommy also didn't want to shave all of my hair until it gets a little warmer.
Here I am after Daddy cut my hair in the back (not bad from the side)...

but from the back... that's ok- Daddy and Mommy still say "I look cute"!

Playing outside.
After my afternoon nap, I like to go outside and enjoy the sun.

Mommy bought a pinwheeel and put in our front yard. I love watching it go round and round.

go go pinwheel

Dancing and saying purple

Story Time with Torrey (The Lion and the Mouse)

Find the picture card


CrazyLady said...

Aw, these are so cute! I esp. liked his workout w/ dad, but where's mama's ball too? Ha ha

Our Love said...

Good job at sitting on your green ball w/out falling!!